
Welcome to our website


"GWTH Real Estate"


We are a company of real estate brokers and real estate agents, serving clients who are seeking to buy, rent or sell commercial and residential properties in the greater Bangkok area.

We assist interested BUYERS and RENTERS to find properties – houses, apartments, condos, factories, warehouses, shophouses, or land – that perfectly match their requirements. We work with our clients to understand their needs, in terms of property size, location, price, and other factors. We then identify properties that meet their requirements from our own stock or through our partner members. The buyers or the renters will find the right property easily and conveniently. We have professional team able to show the properties to you at real places. We save you time and show you a wide range of options. With our experience, we are confident that we can find the best property for you. 

about gwth

Our service is completely free for buyers and tenants.


For real estate owners,

 we work with property owners, and with property consignment and management services responsible for renting real estate, to reach potential buyers or tenants. We make the advertising in our channel. This service is free for real estate owners.

We assist real estate OWNERS in the sale or rental of their properties easier and faster. We work with our partners to reach their potential market and arrange a successful transaction that is satisfactory to all parties.

Happy clients
Customer satisfaction

Best possible service

We are committed to offering the BEST POSSIBLE SERVICE to buyers, tenants, and property owners from the first day to the end of the process.

We are expert at preparing sales or rental contracts and other relevant documents. We mediate between buyers or tenants and property owners to help both parties in negotiations, to achieve a positive outcome for all.


Why chooseGWTH Real Estate?


Best deal / Best Price

Good care / Best assistance

Completely free
for buyers and tenants

If you have any questions or are interested in joining us,
please don’t hesitate to contact us via the recommended channel-contact us or other pages on this website.